Blogging. It is ridiculous. But after too many Starbucks doubleshots, staring at Chinese characters, and listening to mellowed out guitar rifts I begin the ramblings of an emotional bird. I think I am writing this more for myself. Just a way to get stuff down in hopes that I might return one day and read about all the foreseen mistakes that I made. As funny as it is, my online class has encouraged me to do this. We have an assignment every week that involves a journal entry. In this entry I type out the required 200 words, no less...usually no more.
New found love this week. Whitley. They were the tip of the iceberg. Emotional, slow, nostalgic songs just put me in the mood to write about myself. Not sure why. It just happens. I am turning on one of their songs right now in hopes thought provoking ideas and creative vocabulary will suddenly flood from my head to my fingers....I think it's working.
What do I believe? The confusion in my head right now can be summed up in one image. (let me think of one)...okay so maybe it can't be summed up in an image. I love God and I love people. I love being nice. Unless I am tired and grumpy. Then I like driving, listening to mellow acoustic guitar with meaningful lyrics that my soul can latch onto and personallize, even though the artist is probably talking about how he loves the way the grass sways in the wind.
Wind? Oh yeah, it's over 20 mph today. <-side note
Back to my head. I need people. I need people to like me. All over, it just brings happiness. I might put too much into my relationships. Alright, enough of that for the day.
I think this is where I say I want to go to Colorado to get away. But I don't? I am content being surrounded by people. It helps me focus on their problems. Ok...this entry is becoming more and more emo as I write each soppy "feel sorry for me" line. I understand now why I hate blogs. I think there is something buried deep within our human nature at birth, that when we "blog" we selfishly introvert into our souls. Hmmm...the internet, so powerful.
This will suffice. Well done, first blog in the bag. Now I can return to being utterly confused while staring at the squiggles in my book that are supposed to resemble words to...
(This is my creative originality on my blog. It will appear bloggly.)
Chinese Phrase of the day: 自我介绍: self-introduction